Crosshouse Medical Practice

General Medical Services Contract

Under the terms of the new General Medical Services Contract, introduced in 2004, the Practice has a contract with NHS Ayrshire & Arran to provide core and enhanced services.  Full details of Primary Care Medical services can be obtained from The Primary Care Development Team, Eglinton House,AilsaHospital,Dalmellington Road,AyrKA6 6AB.  Tel: 01292 513854


Services Available

Child Health and Vaccinations

A variety of vaccinations and boosters are given from two months of age, the only reason for not getting these injections are if your child has an acute illness or has had a reaction to a previous vaccination. Please contact a member of the Health Visiting Team for further information.

Adult Vaccinations

A range of vaccinations are available. If in doubt please check with the Practice Nurse. Influenza vaccinations are available each Autumn for the elderly and those with medical conditions such as asthma, diabetes, heart disease or kidney disease.

Cervical Smears

It is very important for all women between the ages of 20 and 60 to have a cervical smear test every three years. There are many early stages of cervical cancer and if picked up early is totally curable by simple treatment and no large operation is necessary. This test is carried out by the doctor or Practice Nurse as part of the well woman check. The service can be provided for patients over 60 if requested.

Health Promotion Sessions

For both women and men.
Run by the Practice Nurse.
Provides a general health check.
Advice on healthy living.
Blood tests, cholesterol & smear tests as appropriate.
For an appointment ask at Reception.

Minor Surgery


For the removal of warts, verrucae, joint injection, etc. For an appointment ask at Reception.

Antenatal Clinic

Run by the midwife to monitor your health through pregnancy and the health of your unborn baby. Appointments available from Reception.

Asthma Clinic

Run by the Practice Nurse.
Peak flow monitoring.
Inhaler technique.
Education in self-care management.
Appointments available from Reception.

Diabetic Clinic

Run by the Practice Nurse.
Blood sugar measurement and urine testing.
Blood pressure measurement.
Eye examination.
Foot care examination/advice from Podiatrist in complex cases.
Dietary advice from Dietician (Group session for newly diagnosed diabetics)

Family Planning


Advice from the doctor, Practice Nurse, Pharmacist.
Oral Contraception
Emergency Contraception if necessary.

Contraceptive Implant & Coil Fitting

Please contact your local Family Planning Clinic.

Foreign Travel

Please contact your local Travel Clinic for all vaccine advice.

Private and Non-NHS Work

A full range of examinations are available for which there is a charge. Appointments by arrangement.